Wednesday, October 24, 2007

7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

I took the online tutorial and it was okay. I'm not crazy about other people telling me what to do or how to think, however.

I do agree that life-long learning usually takes place outside of a learning institution. The main thing I learned in library school was how to draw rainbows (I drew in class to pass the time). I only learned how to be a librarian by actually being a librarian.

The seven steps were interesting but I'm not sure how they would apply to me. The first step of setting up goals scared me a little. I love being in a library because I like to browse the shelves and just lose myself in the books. I usually never know what book I will pick up and have no plans in mind. I usually pick up a book based on the cover, or if the title looks interesting. Does that make me a lifelong learner failure? I hope not!!!

The only step that I liked was step number #7 and a half, to play. I do love playing basketball ;)

My first blog entry

Hi, my name is Kacper and I work at the Windsor Park Library. I love my library very much. I'm very lucky to be working here.

I decided to try out this program to open my mind and hopefully to become a better librarian. I actually took a class in college called "Fundamentals of New Media." In that class I learned a lot about current trends in technology. I even gave a report on folksonomies.

This is actually not my first blog. My first blog started as an extra credit project for one of my classes at school. I didn't write about myself at all, instead my whole blog was completely fictional which was fun. So I suppose this is my first "real" blog.